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We all don't have the luxury of an in-house brand strategy team. Whether you need help defining your strategy, a lifeline to help bring order to your thinking, or an expert eye on your creative ideas, Zagging Goats offers strategic solutions built just for emerging brands like you.

Offerings: What I Do
Image by Alice Dietrich
Image by Christopher Rusev
Image by Konstantinos Hasandras


Uncover Your Strategy

If you aren't clear on where you are going, then how do you know you have arrived? Everything begins and ends with a solid strategy. Get messy in the details and wrap your team's head around the most relevant insights about your audience, industry, and competitors so we can cut through to the toughest and most critical decisions faster.


Creating Distinction

Know who you are and articulate why you will win. What's your X factor, what promises do you make and keep, and how do you express it all as a simple idea, so they don't just get it but actually feel it? Define and claim your position.


Crystalizing All the Words

Sometimes showing up in tune like your favorite boy band can prove difficult, especially if you don't have a defined song sheet. Get your organization in harmony - from marketing and sales to HR - to ensure consistency in how you communicate who you are, what you do, and to what end.

Image by Raphael Renter
Image by Prince Abid
Image by geo uc


Raising Attention

Getting the right content to the right audience is no walk in the park. It requires careful planning, and a willingness to find inspiration inward and outward, to produce cohesive, engaging, and creative content that attracts your audience and connects to your desired brand experience.


Nailing Your Narrative

The 21st Century demands you to have and tell your story boldly and in different ways. Discover your corner of the story - beyond product or service - bringing your voice to life with an inspiring vision and extraordinary narrative that only you can share.


Sparking Community Action

Why create an asset when you can create a campaign, or perhaps an entire movement? Every original campaign starts with remarkable insight and a creative process that is woven from your brand ethos. Ensure that every part of your creative process is beautifully wound around a single-minded idea and aligned to meet your business goals.

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